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The Very Best of Playboar - Special Edition - A Satire By Thomas Hagey



The Laugh-a-page Parody...


Thomas Hagey's "The Very Best of Playboar - Special Edition" is more relevant now than ever. From its humble roots in the Golden Age of Chauvinism, Playboar continues to spell out (and call out) the truths, near truths, and battles between the sexes with hilarious results.

From the recent sexual exploitation's of film mogul Harvey Swinestein, to the Misogynist qualities and tendencies of U.S. President Donald J. Rump, The Very Best Of Playboar is a laugh-a-page parody of men's magazines, women’s magazines, and the content contained within. It mirrors modern day advertising and human sexual behaviour from the comfortable distance of PIGS. The sexual revolution (Round 2) is just beginning ... and guess who likes it on TOP?


Other Hilarious Features...

It features a tasteful 7 page Littermate of the Year pictorial of Ms. Taffy Lovely, along with ad spoofs for: Viagra, Calvin Swine cologne, Estee Slaughter perfume, The Shit Fit (Fit Bit), Club Mud Resort & Spa, and Mudweiser Beer etc. As well, it showcases some ads that are just, rather tastefully offside.



It also includes PORK U, a sex advice column for practising pigs, A Swine’s Guide to Etiquette; manners and other social suggestions for Boars and Boors; along with movie take-offs of films such as: Star Boars, Rooters of the Lost Ark, and Jowls (JAWS)... As well as rock band musical profiles of Pig Floyd and Lard Zeppelin.



Thomas Hagey was born and raised on a pure bred

pig farm in central Canada.


His observation of swine at the barnyard level

and his fascination with humans behaving badly,

caused him to create the legendary Playboar Magazine, Entertainment for Swine Breeders.


Oddly enough, when Playboar was released to the

general population, it sold more than a million

copies making Taffy Lovely, its little sow centerfold,

happier than a pig in sh*t (as the saying goes.) 


She instantly became one of the world’s

most eligible piglets and perhaps the world’s

most famous (real) pig…which became a big

deal in our rural neck of the woods. (Sorry, Miss



The Very Best of Playboar is a compilation of some

of the best cartoons, photos and advertising parodies

in this swine series.


You could say Playboar is about what might happen

if pigs escaped the comfort and security of

the farm, journeyed into the cities, and indulged

in all that there is to consume (as their human

counterparts might do), and in doing so, they

find themselves in one hell of a mess.


Ultimately, the question down on the farm is

going to be“Who left the barn door open?” And

so, in response, I suppose, it is me who will have

to take full responsibility and blame, if necessary,

for the scenarios that follow:)


Breast wishes,


Thomas Hagey, Author

Thomas Hagey - Author Photo


DR. Pearlmudder

While pigs have been one of the most maligned creatures on earth since the dawn of time, they also are one of the most misunderstood, most versatile and profoundly useful to mankind.


If your room is dirty you could be accused of living like a PIG. Not true. PIGS are dirty because of poor human management practices. They will not eat where they defecate...I'm not sure the same can be said about humans.


60,000 people in the USA alone received a pig's heart valve last year. They should be squealing with delight and indeed many of them are. There are literally hundreds of healthful remedies which are wholely, soley, or in part, derived from our porcine friends "the pigs."


When hurling insults, be careful who you call a pig, a swine or a hog. While it may be insulting to the recipient of such a remark, it will, in all likelihood, be insulting to the PIG.





Raves & Reviews

"If PIGS could fly...Thomas Hagey

would have started an airlines"

- Marsha Boulton

MacLeans Magazine

"Playboar is an irreverent, hilarious look at the human condition from the comfortable distance of Pigs..."



   "Playboar Is A Silk Purse

Of Hog-wild Wit and Wisdom..."

-Janet Cawley

The Chicago Tribune

Thomas Hagey - Author Photo
Author Thomas Hagey




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The name PLAYBOAR and the piggy logo are © copyright 1977-2023 by Thomas Hagey. PLAYBOAR is a trademark of Thomas Hagey



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